Terms of Use

Last updated: August 6, 2023

Welcome to CODE-SENSEI! These Terms of Use govern your use of our website and any services or products provided through the website. By accessing or using our website, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please refrain from using our website. Intellectual Property: All content, including text, images, graphics, and logos, on this website is the property of [Your Company Name] and protected by intellectual property laws. You may not use, copy, reproduce, or distribute any content without our prior written consent. User Conduct: You agree to use our website responsibly and not engage in any activity that may harm, disrupt, or interfere with the website or other users. You also agree not to use our website for any illegal or unauthorized purposes. Links to Third-Party Sites: Our website may contain links to third-party websites. We do not endorse or have any control over the content and practices of these websites. Your interactions with these third-party websites are solely at your own risk. Disclaimer of Warranties: The information and materials on our website are provided on an "as is" basis without any warranties, express or implied. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the content. Limitation of Liability: [Your Company Name] shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of your use of the website. Changes to Terms of Use: We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time. Please review these terms regularly to stay informed of any updates.

Privacy Policy

Last updated: August 6, 2023

At [Your Company Name], we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your data. Information Collection: We may collect personal information, such as your name, email address, and contact details, when you interact with our website or subscribe to our services. Use of Information: We use the information we collect to provide and improve our services, respond to your inquiries, and send you updates and promotional materials. Data Security: We implement reasonable security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration. Third-Party Services: We may use third-party services to process payments or analytics. These third-party services have their own privacy policies, and we encourage you to review them. Cookie Policy: Our website uses cookies to enhance your user experience. By using our website, you consent to the use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy. Opt-Out: If you wish to opt-out of receiving promotional materials or withdraw your consent to our data processing, please contact us at mehedihasanx2118@gmail.com.

Terms of Use Welcome to CODE-SENSEI! These Terms of Use govern your use of our website and any services or products provided through the website. By accessing or using our website, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please refrain from using our website. Intellectual Property: All content, including text, images, graphics, and logos, on this website is the property of [Your Company Name] and protected by intellectual property laws. You may not use, copy, reproduce, or distribute any content without our prior written consent. User Conduct: You agree to use our website responsibly and not engage in any activity that may harm, disrupt, or interfere with the website or other users. You also agree not to use our website for any illegal or unauthorized purposes. Links to Third-Party Sites: Our website may contain links to third-party websites. We do not endorse or have any control over the content and practices of these websites. Your interactions with these third-party websites are solely at your own risk. Disclaimer of Warranties: The information and materials on our website are provided on an "as is" basis without any warranties, express or implied. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the content. Limitation of Liability: [Your Company Name] shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of your use of the website. Changes to Terms of Use: We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time. Please review these terms regularly to stay informed of any updates. Privacy Policy At [Your Company Name], we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your data. Information Collection: We may collect personal information, such as your name, email address, and contact details, when you interact with our website or subscribe to our services. Use of Information: We use the information we collect to provide and improve our services, respond to your inquiries, and send you updates and promotional materials. Data Security: We implement reasonable security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration. Third-Party Services: We may use third-party services to process payments or analytics. These third-party services have their own privacy policies, and we encourage you to review them. Cookie Policy: Our website uses cookies to enhance your user experience. By using our website, you consent to the use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy. Opt-Out: If you wish to opt-out of receiving promotional materials or withdraw your consent to our data processing, please contact us at mehedihasanx2118@gmail.com. Cookie Policy Our website uses cookies to enhance your browsing experience and provide relevant content. By using our website, you consent to the use of cookies as described in this Cookie Policy. What Are Cookies: Cookies are small text files stored on your device when you visit a website. They help analyze website traffic and enable personalized user experiences. Types of Cookies: We may use essential, functional, analytics, and advertising cookies on our website. Opt-Out: You can set your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some features of our website may not function properly without cookies. Third-Party Cookies: Our website may use third-party services, such as Google Analytics, which may place cookies on your device. These third-party cookies are subject to the respective privacy policies of these services. Updates to Cookie Policy: We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time. Please review this policy regularly for any changes. If you have any questions or concerns about our legal policies, please contact us at mehedihasanx2118@gmail.com. Thank you for visiting CODE-SENSEI!